Today is Mother's day at our house. I have been honored already with gifts from my children and many offerings of love and gratitude. But this Mother's Day is diferent than any other so far.....
My most recent mantra is "more energy than matter". It comes from the teaching of Caroline Myss; my newest teacher. I thank her for doing the work of writing and lecturing and for answering her call as a teacher.
I woke up today and began with my mantra, as I have for the passed month, and felt a rush of Mother energy washed over me and ever since I've been sensing a multi faceted mandala of mother energy. As I feel the presence of my mother I can feel her gifts to me of unconditional love and encouragement and I can see that she has drawn from her mother sources and passed on the best of what was given to her. I feel the presence of other mothers ......aunts and friends, and their mothers. She and they are mothers to me and we are mothers within the energy and Archetype of Mother.
This morning I ride the energetic current of every mother there has ever been on the planet. I am familiar with them as I am with myself. We are one. We have born our children, faced our deamons, dared to dream and relied on each other in our combinations of hope and desperation, clarity and confusion, knowing and wondering.
In Being more energy than matter, we don't need to be physically present to connect. And, we can connect to more than we can physically touch.
As I reside in the energetic sphere today I send my spirit to every mother....offering the balm of connection, gratitude and love.....
But mostly I am riding the current and enjoying the ride as well as the scenery.